Skyrim fire sword mod
Skyrim fire sword mod

skyrim fire sword mod

If mods are an option for you (you don't really mention your platform) you may try searching the Steam Workshop or the Skyrim Nexus. The closest I think you can get to this without mods is to use the enchanting/alchemy loop to craft yourself some gear with 100% destruction cost reduction and cast the Flame Cloak spell as-needed (dark elves have the Ancestor's Wrath power that does a similar thing for no magicka cost, but there's no way to use it more frequently than once-a-day).

skyrim fire sword mod skyrim fire sword mod

Armor, further, cannot be enchanted thusly (although other enchantments, such as the destruction bonus, do cause a similar subtle aura). Items enchanted with a fire damage effect glow red, but the effect is subtle and certainly doesn't give the appearance of a "flaming sword" or the like. As far as I am aware, there are no items in the vanilla game (or official DLC) that provide a constant "on fire" visual or mechanical effect (the Ebony Mail artifact armor damages nearby creatures during combat / while crouching, but it's poison-based, not fire-based).

Skyrim fire sword mod